First Visa Bulletin of Fiscal Year 2014 - No Surprises, Little Movement
September 9, 2013 | Tags: EB-1 | EB-2 | EB-3
With the start of the new fiscal year beginning October 1, and following significant forward movement earlier this summer, the Department of State's October Visa Bulletin, released today, bears no harvest bounty but is as the DOS predicted. Forward movement has all but come to a halt. EB2 China and EB3 Philippines are the only categories with minimal forward movement. Ever cautious to raise expectations this fall, DOS declined to make any predictions for November.
- All others – still "CURRENT"
- China – advances 5 weeks to September 15, 2008
- India – remains at June 15, 2008
- Mexico – still "CURRENT"
- Philippines – still "CURRENT"
- All others – remains at July 1, 2010
- China – remains at July 1, 2010
- India – remains at September 22, 2003
- Mexico – remains at July 1, 2010
- Philippines – advances 2 weeks to December 15, 2006
Update: September 26, 2013
The Department of State yesterday confirmed to American Immigration Lawyers Association liaison that, as expected as our fiscal year closes September 30, 2013, annual employment limits have been reached, but that it will continue to process pending adjustment of status application cases that were submitted before this cut off. Eligible cases which have been submitted to the State Department that are within the October 1 cut off dates under the State Department Bulletin should continue to be processed and be automatically authorized effective October 1, 2013.